- Yes, we ship worldwide! All Grape orders are shipped from China via FedEx (with tracking number).
- The in-stock items usually take 7-10 business days to be prepared to ship.
- The pre-order items take 45 business days to produce and ship.
- All Grape items can not offer cash refunds. However, in case of exchange, we will accept returns of unworn items within 10 business days from the date on your receipt. For returns, you must ship all items back to the address below. The original shipping cost will not be refunded and the customer bears the charges for returning the item(s) to us. Additional charges may apply to the shipping cost.
- We can not be held liable for unregistered packages that are lost or damaged during the transfer. Please declare the package with the value of $5 / 5€ for a quicker expedition and to avoid additional charges in customs.
- We are not responsible for customs/import duties that your government may charge you.
English address :
Name: Wang Yao
Address: Jingan District, Shanghai, China
Room1003, HaiSenGuoJiDaSha, No.1469, Kangding Road
Phone: 18612616323
Address: Jingan District, Shanghai, China
Room1003, HaiSenGuoJiDaSha, No.1469, Kangding Road
Phone: 18612616323
Chinese address (more reliable) :
Name: 王瑶
Address: 上海市静安区康定路1469号海森国际大厦1003室
Phone: 18612616323